A simple documentation generator based on doccoDocker is a really simple documentation generator, which originally started out as a pure-javascript port of docco, but which eventually gained many extra little features which somewhat break docco's philosophy of being a quick-and-dirty thing. Docker source-code can be found on GitHub Take a look at the original docco project to get a feel for the sort of functionality this provides. In short: Markdown-based displaying of code comments next to syntax-highlighted code. This page is the result of running docker against itself. The command-line usage of docker is somewhat more useful than that of docco. To use, simply run
Docker will then recurse into the code root directory (or alternatively just the files and directories you specify) and document-ize all the files it can. The folder structure will be preserved in the document root. More detailed usage instructions and examples can be found in the README The main differences from docco are:
So let's get started! |
Include lots of node modules |
var stripIndent = require('strip-indent');
var MarkdownIt = require('markdown-it');
var highlight = require('highlight.js');
var repeating = require('repeating');
var mkdirp = require('mkdirp');
var extend = require('extend');
var watchr = require('watchr');
var async = require('async');
var path = require('path');
var less = require('less');
var dox = require('dox');
var ejs = require('ejs');
var toc = require('toc');
var fs = require('fs');
Language details exist in languages.js |
var languages = require('./languages');
Create an instance of markdown-it, which we'll use for prettyifying all the comments |
var md = new MarkdownIt({
html: true,
langPrefix: '',
highlight: function(str, lang) {
if (lang && highlight.getLanguage(lang)) {
try {
return highlight.highlight(lang, str).value;
} catch (__) {}
return '';
Relative links to files need to be remapped to their rendered file name,
so that they can be written without |
md.renderer.rules.link_open = function(tokens, idx, options, env, self) {
var hrefIndex = tokens[idx].attrIndex('href');
If the link a relative link, then put '.html' on the end. |
if (hrefIndex >= 0 && !/\/\//.test(tokens[idx].attrs[hrefIndex][1])) {
tokens[idx].attrs[hrefIndex][1] += '.html';
return self.renderToken.apply(self, arguments);
var Docker = module.exports = function(opts) {
Initialise all opts with default values |
opts = this.options = extend({
inDir: path.resolve('.'),
outDir: path.resolve('doc'),
onlyUpdated: false,
colourScheme: 'default',
ignoreHidden: false,
sidebarState: true,
exclude: false,
lineNums: false,
multiLineOnly: false,
js: [],
css: [],
extras: []
}, opts);
Generate an exclude regex for the given pattern |
if (typeof opts.exclude === 'string') {
this.excludePattern = new RegExp('^(' +
opts.exclude.replace(/\./g, '\\.')
.replace(/\*/g, '.*')
.replace(/,/g, '|') +
} else {
this.excludePattern = false;
Initialise an object which'll store all our directory structure |
this.tree = {};
Load bundled extras |
var extrasRoot = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'extras');
opts.extras.forEach(function(e) {
opts.js.push(path.join(extrasRoot, e, e + '.js'));
opts.css.push(path.join(extrasRoot, e, e + '.css'));
Docker.prototype.doc = function(files) {
this.files = files.concat();
Start processing, unless we already are |
if (!this.running) this.run();
Docker.prototype.watch = function(files) {
this.watching = true;
this.watchFiles = files;
Function to call when a file is changed. We put this on a timeout to account for several file changes happening in quick succession. |
var uto = false, self = this;
function update() {
if (self.running) return (uto = setTimeout(update, 250));
uto = false;
Create a watchr instance to watch all changes in the input directory |
path: this.options.inDir,
listener: function() {
if (!uto) uto = setTimeout(update, 250);
Aaaaand, go! |
Docker.prototype.run = function() {
var self = this;
this.running = true;
While we stil have any files to process, take the first one and process it |
function() {
return self.files.length > 0;
function(cb) {
self.process(self.files.shift(), cb);
function() {
Once we're done, say we're no longer running and copy over all the static stuff |
self.running = false;
Docker.prototype.addFileToTree = function(filename) {
Split the file's path into the individual directories |
filename = filename.replace(new RegExp('^' + path.sep.replace(/([\/\\])/g, '\\$1')), '');
var bits = filename.split(path.sep);
Loop through all the directories and process the folder structure into
var currDir = this.tree;
var lastBit = bits.pop();
bits.forEach(function(bit) {
if (!currDir.dirs) currDir.dirs = {};
if (!currDir.dirs[bit]) currDir.dirs[bit] = {};
currDir = currDir.dirs[bit];
if (!currDir.files) currDir.files = [];
if (currDir.files.indexOf(lastBit) === -1) currDir.files.push(lastBit);
Docker.prototype.process = function(file, cb) {
If we should be ignoring this file, do nothing and immediately callback. |
if (this.excludePattern && this.excludePattern.test(file)) {
var self = this;
var resolved = path.resolve(this.options.inDir, file);
fs.lstat(resolved, function lstatCb(err, stat) {
if (err) {
Something unexpected happened on the filesystem. Nothing really that we can do about it, so throw it and be done with it |
return cb(err);
if (stat && stat.isSymbolicLink()) {
fs.readlink(resolved, function(err, link) {
if (err) {
Something unexpected happened on the filesystem. Nothing really that we can do about it, so throw it and be done with it |
return cb(err);
resolved = path.resolve(path.dirname(resolved), link);
fs.exists(resolved, function(exists) {
if (!exists) {
console.error('Unable to follow symlink to ' + resolved + ': file does not exist');
} else {
fs.lstat(resolved, lstatCb);
} else if (stat && stat.isDirectory()) {
Find all children of the directory and queue those |
fs.readdir(resolved, function(err, list) {
if (err) {
Something unexpected happened on the filesystem. Nothing really that we can do about it, so throw it and be done with it |
return cb(err);
list.forEach(function(f) {
For everything in the directory, queue it unless it looks hiden and we've been told to ignore hidden files. |
if (self.options.ignoreHidden && f.charAt(0).match(/[\._]/)) return;
self.files.push(path.join(file, f));
} else {
Wahey, we have a normal file. Go ahead and process it then. |
self.processFile(file, cb);
Docker.prototype.processFile = function(file, cb) {
var resolved = path.resolve(this.options.inDir, file);
var self = this;
First, check to see whether we actually should be processing this file and bail if not |
this.decideWhetherToProcess(resolved, function(shouldProcess) {
if (!shouldProcess) return cb();
fs.readFile(resolved, 'utf-8', function(err, data) {
if (err) return cb(err);
Grab the language details for the file and bail if we don't understand it. |
var lang = self.detectLanguage(resolved, data);
if (lang === false) return cb();
switch (lang.type) {
case 'markdown':
self.renderMarkdownFile(data, resolved, cb);
case 'code':
var sections = self.parseSections(data, lang);
self.highlight(sections, lang);
self.renderCodeFile(sections, lang, resolved, cb);
Decide whether or not a file should be processed. If the Fires a callback function with either true or false depending on whether or not the file should be processed Params
The name of the file to check
Callback function
Docker.prototype.decideWhetherToProcess = function(filename, callback) {
If we should be processing all files, then yes, we should process this one |
if (!this.options.onlyUpdated) return callback(true);
Find the doc this file would be compiled to |
var outFile = this.outFile(filename);
See whether the file is newer than the output |
this.fileIsNewer(filename, outFile, callback);
Docker.prototype.fileIsNewer = function(file, otherFile, callback) {
fs.stat(otherFile, function(err, outStat) {
If the output file doesn't exist, then definitely process this file |
if (err && err.code == 'ENOENT') return callback(true);
fs.stat(file, function(err, inStat) {
Process the file if the input is newer than the output |
callback(+inStat.mtime > +outStat.mtime);
Parse the content of a file into individual sections. A section is defined to be one block of code with an accompanying comment Returns an array of section objects, which take the form
The contents of the script file
The language data for the script file
array of section objects
Docker.prototype.parseSections = function(data, lang) {
var lines = data.split('\n');
var section = {
docs: '',
code: ''
var sections = [];
var inMultiLineComment = false;
var multiLine = '';
var jsDocData;
var commentRegex = new RegExp('^\\s*' + lang.comment + '\\s?');
var self = this;
function mark(a, stripParas) {
var h = md.render(a.replace(/(^\s*|\s*$)/, ''));
return stripParas ? h.replace(/<\/?p>/g, '') : h;
lines.forEach(function(line, i) {
Only match against parts of the line that don't appear in strings |
var matchable = line.replace(/(["'])((?:[^\\\1]|(?:\\\\)*?\\[^\\])*?)\1/g, '$1$1');
if (lang.literals) {
lang.literals.forEach(function(replace) {
matchable = matchable.replace(replace[0], replace[1]);
if (lang.multiLine) {
If we are currently in a multiline comment, behave differently |
if (inMultiLineComment) {
End-multiline comments should match regardless of whether they're 'quoted' |
if (line.match(lang.multiLine[1])) {
Once we have reached the end of the multiline, take the whole content of the multiline comment, and parse it as jsDoc. |
inMultiLineComment = false;
multiLine += line;
Replace block comment delimiters with whitespace of the same length This way we can safely outdent without breaking too many things if the comment has been deliberately indented. For example, the lines in the followinc comment should all be outdented equally:
multiLine = multiLine
.replace(lang.multiLine[0], function(a) { return repeating(' ', a.length); })
.replace(lang.multiLine[1], function(a) { return repeating(' ', a.length); });
multiLine = stripIndent(multiLine);
if (lang.jsDoc) {
Strip off leading * characters. |
multiLine = multiLine.replace(/^[ \t]*\*? ?/gm, '');
jsDocData = dox.parseComment(multiLine, { raw: true });
Put markdown parser on the data so it can be accessed in the template |
jsDocData.md = mark;
section.docs += self.renderTemplate('jsDoc', jsDocData);
} else {
section.docs += '\n' + multiLine + '\n';
multiLine = '';
} else {
multiLine += line + '\n';
} else if (
We want to match the start of a multiline comment only if the line doesn't also match the end of the same comment, or if a single-line comment is started before the multiline So for example the following would not be treated as a multiline starter:
matchable.match(lang.multiLine[0]) &&
!matchable.replace(lang.multiLine[0], '').match(lang.multiLine[1]) &&
(!lang.comment || !matchable.split(lang.multiLine[0])[0].match(commentRegex))
) {
Here we start parsing a multiline comment. Store away the current section and start a new one |
if (section.code) {
if (!section.code.match(/^\s*$/) || !section.docs.match(/^\s*$/)) sections.push(section);
section = { docs: '', code: '' };
inMultiLineComment = true;
multiLine = line + '\n';
if (
!self.options.multiLineOnly &&
lang.comment &&
matchable.match(commentRegex) &&
(!lang.commentsIgnore || !matchable.match(lang.commentsIgnore)) &&
) {
This is for single-line comments. Again, store away the last section and start a new one |
if (section.code) {
if (!section.code.match(/^\s*$/) || !section.docs.match(/^\s*$/)) sections.push(section);
section = { docs: '', code: '' };
section.docs += line.replace(commentRegex, '') + '\n';
} else if (!lang.commentsIgnore || !line.match(lang.commentsIgnore)) {
If this is the first line of active code, store it in the section so we can grab it for line numbers later |
if (!section.firstCodeLine) {
section.firstCodeLine = i + 1;
section.code += line + '\n';
return sections;
Docker.prototype.detectLanguage = function(filename, contents) {
First try to detect the language from the file extension |
var ext = path.extname(filename);
ext = ext.replace(/^\./, '');
Bit of a hacky way of incorporating .C for C++ |
if (ext === '.C') return languages.cpp;
ext = ext.toLowerCase();
var base = path.basename(filename);
base = base.toLowerCase();
for (var i in languages) {
if (!languages.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue;
if (languages[i].extensions &&
languages[i].extensions.indexOf(ext) !== -1) return languages[i];
if (languages[i].names &&
languages[i].names.indexOf(base) !== -1) return languages[i];
If that doesn't work, see if we can grab a shebang |
var shebangRegex = /^#!\s*(?:\/usr\/bin\/env)?\s*(?:[^\n]*\/)*([^\/\n]+)(?:\n|$)/;
var match = shebangRegex.exec(contents);
if (match) {
for (var j in languages) {
if (!languages.hasOwnProperty(j)) continue;
if (languages[j].executables && languages[j].executables.indexOf(match[1]) !== -1) return languages[j];
If we still can't figure it out, give up and return false. |
return false;
Highlights all the sections of a file using highlightjs
Given an array of section objects, loop through them, and for each
section generate pretty html for the comments and the code, and put them in
Array of section objects
Language ith which to highlight the file
Docker.prototype.highlight = function(sections, lang) {
sections.forEach(function(section) {
section.codeHtml = highlight.highlight(lang.highlightLanguage || lang.language, section.code).value;
section.docHtml = md.render(section.docs);
Docker.prototype.addAnchors = function(docHtml, idx, headings) {
var headingRegex = /<h(\d)(\s*[^>]*)>([\s\S]+?)<\/h\1>/gi; // toc.defaults.headers
if (docHtml.match(headingRegex)) {
If there is a heading tag, pick out the first one (likely the most important), sanitize the name a bit to make it more friendly for IDs, then use that |
docHtml = docHtml.replace(headingRegex, function(a, level, attrs, content) {
var id = toc.unique(headings.ids, toc.anchor(content));
headings.list.push({ id: id, text: toc.untag(content), level: level });
return [
'<div class="pilwrap" id="' + id + '">',
' <h' + level + attrs + '>',
' <a href="#' + id + '" name="' + id + '" class="pilcrow"></a>',
' </h' + level + '>',
} else {
If however we can't find a heading, then just use the section index instead. |
docHtml = [
'<div class="pilwrap">',
' <a class="pilcrow" href="#section-' + (idx + 1) + '" id="section-' + (idx + 1) + '"></a>',
return docHtml;
Docker.prototype.addLineNumbers = function(html, first) {
var lines = html.split('\n');
lines = lines.map(function(line, i) {
var n = first + i;
return '<a class="line-num" href="#line-' + n + '" id="line-' + n + '" data-line="' + n + '"></a> ' + line;
return lines.join('\n');
Given an array of sections, render them all out to a nice HTML file Params
Array of sections containing parsed data
The language data for the file in question
Name of the file being processed
Callback function to fire when we're done
Docker.prototype.renderCodeFile = function(sections, language, filename, cb) {
var self = this;
var headings = { ids: {}, list: [] };
sections.forEach(function(section, i) {
Add anchors to all headings in all sections |
section.docHtml = self.addAnchors(section.docHtml, i, headings);
Add line numbers of we need them |
if (self.options.lineNums) {
section.codeHtml = self.addLineNumbers(section.codeHtml, section.firstCodeLine);
var content = this.renderTemplate('code', {
title: path.basename(filename),
sections: sections,
language: language.language
this.makeOutputFile(filename, content, headings, cb);
Docker.prototype.renderMarkdownFile = function(data, filename, cb) {
var content = md.render(data);
var headings = { ids: {}, list: [] };
Add anchors to all headings |
content = this.addAnchors(content, 0, headings);
Wrap up with necessary classes |
content = '<div class="docs markdown">' + content + '</div>';
this.makeOutputFile(filename, content, headings, cb);
Shared code for generating an output file with the given content. Renders the given content in a template along with its headings and writes it to the output file. Params
Path to the input file
The string content to render into the template
List of headings + ids
Callback to call when done
Docker.prototype.makeOutputFile = function(filename, content, headings, cb) {
Decide which path to store the output on. |
var outFile = this.outFile(filename);
Calculate the location of the input root relative to the output file. This is necessary so we can link to the stylesheet in the output HTML using a relative href rather than an absolute one |
var outDir = path.dirname(outFile);
var relativeOut = path.resolve(outDir)
.replace(path.resolve(this.options.outDir), '')
.replace(/^[\/\\]/, '');
var levels = relativeOut == '' ? 0 : relativeOut.split(path.sep).length;
var relDir = repeating('../', levels);
Render the html file using our template |
var html = this.renderTemplate('tmpl', {
title: path.basename(filename),
relativeDir: relDir,
content: content,
headings: headings,
sidebar: this.options.sidebarState,
filename: filename.replace(this.options.inDir, '').replace(/^[\\\/]/, ''),
js: this.options.js.map(function(f) { return path.basename(f); }),
css: this.options.css.map(function(f) { return path.basename(f); })
Recursively create the output directory, clean out any old version of the output file, then save our new file. |
this.writeFile(outFile, html, 'Generated: ' + outFile.replace(this.options.outDir, ''), cb);
Copies the shared CSS and JS files to the output directories |
Docker.prototype.copySharedResources = function() {
var self = this;
path.join(self.options.outDir, 'doc-filelist.js'),
'var tree=' + JSON.stringify(self.tree) + ';',
'Saved file tree to doc-filelist.js'
Generate the CSS file using LESS. First, load the less file. |
fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, '..', 'res', 'style.less'), function(err, file) {
Now try to grab the colours out of whichever highlight theme was used |
var hlpath = require.resolve('highlight.js');
var cspath = path.resolve(path.dirname(hlpath), '..', 'styles');
var colours = require('./getColourScheme')(self.options.colourScheme);
Now compile the LESS to CSS |
less.render(file.toString().replace('COLOURSCHEME', self.options.colourScheme), {
paths: [ cspath ],
globalVars: colours
}, function(err, out) {
Now we've got the rendered CSS, write it out. |
path.join(self.options.outDir, 'doc-style.css'),
'Compiled CSS to doc-style.css'
fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, '..', 'res', 'script.js'), function(err, file) {
path.join(self.options.outDir, 'doc-script.js'),
'Copied JS to doc-script.js'
this.options.js.concat(this.options.css).forEach(function(ext) {
var fn = path.basename(ext);
fs.readFile(path.resolve(ext), function(err, file) {
self.writeFile(path.join(self.options.outDir, fn), file, 'Copied ' + fn);
Docker.prototype.outFile = function(filename) {
return path.normalize(filename.replace(path.resolve(this.options.inDir), this.options.outDir) + '.html');
Docker.prototype.renderTemplate = function(templateName, obj) {
If we haven't already loaded the template, load it now. It's a bit messy to be using readFileSync I know, but this is the easiest way for now. |
if (!this._templates) this._templates = {};
if (!this._templates[templateName]) {
var tmplFile = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'res', templateName + '.ejs');
this._templates[templateName] = ejs.compile(fs.readFileSync(tmplFile).toString());
return this._templates[templateName](obj);
Saves a file, making sure the directory already exists and overwriting any existing file Params
The name of the file to save
Content to save to the file
String to console.log when done
Callback to fire when done
Docker.prototype.writeFile = function(filename, fileContent, doneLog, doneCallback) {
mkdirp(path.dirname(filename), function() {
fs.writeFile(filename, fileContent, function() {
if (doneLog) console.log(doneLog);
if (doneCallback) doneCallback();